Monday, March 21, 2011

My favorite kind of music

  Blues is a kinds of music,which can be performance by any instrument,like classical music or pop music. And it inspire many musician.
  Today,we can listen many music from tv or internet,but many of them are "commercial song",it's means they are written to earn money, the writer write the song because of he can take song for sell.
  However,there are many music still write for recording,reflecting or telling something,and blues is one of it.Lyrics of blue songs usually tell us some truth,like war,community,society......,it reflect writer's feeling about some issue.So that why I like blue songs better than others.

Follow is a video from youtube,their are two famous blues musician in the video ,B.B.King and Gary Moore.This is a live guitar show in somewhere in America, they are " jamming",which means that play instrument extemporaneous. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is my first blog write in English.
Hope i can write good