Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Days we started at the sun

Today I want to talk about a drama-Days we started at the sun(他們在畢業的前一天爆炸).This drama is about students and society.The main characters in this drama are some students who all have some trouble in many aspects.One is economics pressure,another is Psychological stress...... And all of this problem is come from the complexity of society.All the students is innocent ,but what can they do to overcome their problem? 
This will be the main topic of the drama.

The following is the website about  Days we started at the sun :  http://explosion.pixnet.net/blog

And the music of this drama is also good to listen :


宋岳庭-Life is struggle


  1. I have heard “Days we started at the sun” but I haven’t watched it yet. Some of my friends told me that it’s a good drama and it would not take me much time to watch. I will watch it after the mid-term exam. I listened to the music you put on the blog,it’s really good.

  2. I had finished "Days we started at the sun" a few days ago. I very like this movie and all the roles in the movie. Although actor and actress in this movie are not very famous now but I think this movie is better than other movies. This drama is the best drama I have never seen.And the music in this movie are all great. I like this article.
