Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This movie is a Japan movie, it's all about the law in Japan and justice.The leading character 金子徹平 (act by 加瀨亮)in the movie is a man who is accused by a high school girl of sexual harassment.

In this movie, it's talk about : No matter if you are innocence, it is all about evidence and if you can convince the judge.In the court,that is all people concern.No one will think about if the man is really innocence or guilty.This film make me think deeply.


  1. It’s really a worth-thinking topic, maybe the “justice” we thought before is not exist at all. It’s a pity to know the truth that a bad system may kill innocence people. This movie makes me think of the event happened in NCCU, I hope the teacher (Ms. 洪) can be treated well and give us the reality.

  2. I want to know what is the relationship between this article and your blog's topic? BTW I think you are the real suspect because your hands are so fat just like a pig.
